Frequently Asked Questions
Where is my website? Why is this page showing?Well, there are several reasons your website might be down. Have you renewed your domain registration? Is your hosting account current? Is the webserver down? Are you out of bandwidth or have you exceeded your diskspace quota? Is your email account full?
Could my email account cause my site to go down??It depends on whether or not you are using our mail server or an external server (Your webguy can check... call him). If you are using our mail server, and have not archived and deleted spam and trash, yes, it's possible. Your email accounts do use part of your disk space allocation.
If the problem is an expired domain, isn't that the webguy's problem, not mine?It usully depends on whether or not you obtained your domain through us or not. If you did, then yes, we monitor and renew your domain registration. If you purchased your domain elsewhere, then YOU should be getting the notice to renew from the domain registrar, and you are responsible for renewing the domain. We don't have access.
Does the hosting webserver go down often?No. I suppose it's possible, but in 10 years it hasn't happened even once. So, that's probably NOT the issue. Our websites are hosted on a large multi-computer hosting site with backup systems in place.
How do I fix this if this page is showing where my website should be showing?Easy-Peasy. Just call your talented and handsome webguy at (251)510-8164.